Galaxy Online II Wiki

IGG Announcements[]

What does everyone think about making an "Announcement" Category, then having a page that can be layed out in sub topics that show the Announcements from the IGG homepage? T5309 21:31, November 1, 2011 (UTC)

Galxy Online 2 Logo redesign[]

Every wikia has a cool logo and name at the top that says "Galaxy Online II Wiki" Currently, this wiki does not. But we are looking for someone with some graphics skills to take the Logo of Galaxy Online II and come up with a cool logo design to replace the blue "Galaxy Online II Wiki" text that appears up top on all the pages. If you have a good graphics program and can do a neat logo, with a cool font, (A cool font would be the same as used in the game) then post it up and the winner will get their logo up on all the wiki pages.

Swish008 19:25, December 25, 2011 (UTC)

Ship Infobox[]

Hello, I have revised the Ship Infobox Template so the information goes up and down, in accordance with the corresponding ship pages, left to right. Now it should be somewhat easier to add/edit the ship information as you can just read the information left to right, and enter the information, up to down, except for the Build Time section. I will go through the individual pages, such as Genesis and revise them all accordingly.

Thank you,

T5309 00:01, February 29, 2012 (UTC)

Game Data[]

Can anyone please upload the new Game Data? We need to get the pictures of the new Divine Commander Scrolls up ASAP. Thank you,

T5309 18:53, March 7, 2012 (UTC)

I need a Chinese wiki about Galaxy Online 2[]

Can I Translate it to Chinese,or create a new wiki named 星际文明2Dsoving (talk) 09:21, July 26, 2014 (UTC)

Bringing GO2 back to Life | Super Galaxy Online II[]

Galaxy Online II is coming back to life!! Come and see this project on Discord.

We are reviving an emulation of the official server of the game Galaxy Online II. In order to revive the game and help the entire community who still enjoying this MMO to endure. I kindly invite you as a veteran player to support this project.

UPDATE: IGG came up with legal claims, forcing the project to be rennamed to Project Gemini - The lost constellation. However, due to a lack of funding this project was discontinued.

YouTube Video
